Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tarot Reading

How To Master Basic To Advanced Tarot Card Spreads


Since the late 18th century until the present time, the tarot has been used to gain insight, clarity, and achieve greater control over issues involving relations.

Tarot cards have unique astrological meaning and numeric significance and have been used as a tool for divination for those with the ability to interpret the cards (tarot card reading).

The Basics of Common Tarot Card Spreads

In tarot reading, a psychic has many choices of different Tarot spreads. There are some spreads that have been developed for use in a specific direction, others for more general psychic readings.

Some of the most common spreads:

Single Card Spread

The easiest means of divining for an answer as you have only to look at a single card, the single or one card spread can be used as a quick answer to any question ? a quick yes/no answer to a question ? or just as an indicator for the day to come. However, this spread is not really suitable for an important or complex question. So, if something potentially important has been revealed by drawing a single card, you should always investigate further with a more appropriate spread.

How to do this? While thinking of your question, you shuffle the cards. And then intuitively pick out one card and turn it over.

Three Cards Spread

One of the most simple and versatile Tarot spreads around, the Three Card spread can be adapted to most questions. Being simple spread, its simplicity allows the reader to interpret each card in depth.

How to do this? Think first of your question while shuffling the deck, then using your left hand, cut the deck into three piles moving in a leftward direction. Using your left hand, pick up the pile on your right and place it on the center pile. And then pick up this combined pile, and place it on the last.

Past. Turn over the first card and place it to the far left. This card will represent the past or the basis of the matter, explaining the events, circumstances or conditions that have led up to where you are now.

Present. Then, turn over the next card and place it to the right of the first. This card will represent the present, revealing a new direction or condition that is set to come into your being.
Future. Repeat the "present" step again with the third card. This card will represent your future, showing the end result or the outcome of the second card.

Celtic Cross spread

Aside from the three card or simple Tarot spreads, the Celtic Cross is a ten card spread that is probably the most often used spread in existence and has become a classic. This spread is ideal for answering a specific question or giving a general reading in-depth.

How to do this? While thinking of your question, you shuffle the cards. Using your left hand, you cut the deck into three piles moving in a leftward direction. Still using your left hand, you pick up the pile on your right and place it on the center pile. Then, you pick up this combined pile, and place it on the last. Using your left hand again, lay ten cards face up.

Each card placement has an assigned number and has particular significance as explained below:

Card Placement

1. The center card in the cross spread, this is what covers you, representing the general atmosphere and the client's main concern.

2. The overlapping card placed sideways over #1 on the cross spread, this is what crosses you for the good or ill, representing opposing forces. If it is a good card, it will help the present situation.

3. The card below number 1, this is what is beneath you, representing what brought the situation about, the foundation.

4. The card on the left of number 1, this is what's behind you, symbolizing what has just happened, or the influences that are passing away.

5. The card above number 1, this is what crowns you, symbolizing the current situation and influences.

6. The card on the right of number 1, this is what is before you. The card represents what will happen in the very near future if the querent continues on their current path.

7. The first card on the vertical spread nearest you (down) This is what the querent fears. Negative feelings about the question asked.

8. The card next to #7, the thoughts of those around you, depicting the opinions and influences of friends and family about the matter in question.

9. The card next to # 8, this is the querent's hopes, revealing the client's own hopes and ideals on the matter involved.

10. The last card on the vertical spread, The OUTCOME: This card tells what the overall final outcome will be if the querent continues on their current path. Please consider the influence of all previous cards, particularly the 6th (what is before you) card, which is a more short term representation of the final outcome.

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

85% Chance YOU Are Traveling Out-Of-Body

Are you interested in ESP, spiritual or metaphysical insights, enlightenment, healing, contact with a higher level of intelligence, or simply a new experience? Then you're likely to find the contents of this brief article very interesting.

The concepts of "astral projection," "soul travel" and "spirit walking" date way back to very ancient times. Anthropologists feel 95% of cultures worldwide believe in some form of out-of-body experience, perhaps making it a universal phenomenon.

Although mainstream science often dismisses such experiences as impossible according to the laws of physics, many studies estimate 14% to 20% of us have experienced a conscious OBE at least once in our lifetime. Some researchers believe lucid dreams are a form of OBE, and others insist that we have an OBE every night.

Many believe Edgar Casey entered into an out-of-body (OBE) state to obtain his healing insights.The famous inventor Thomas Edison used such a "mind awake-body asleep" state of consciousness to work on his many inventions. Edison would place a silver dollar on his head and sit in a chair with a metal bucket in his lap. If he drifted into sleep, the coin would fall into the bucket and restore his alertness.

Albert Einstein would enter into a hypnagogic state by sitting in a chair with his arms suspended over the side while holding a small smooth stone in each hand. If he fell to sleep he would drop the stones, waking himself. Artist Salvador Dali was said to use a similar method to gain the odd visions that inspired his paintings.

WHY would YOU want to have such an experience? Actually there's is a very high probability you already have! Ever have the sensation of suddenly "falling" while asleep? This could have been a re-entry into your body following an involuntary OBE.

Out-of-body experiences, remote viewing, and astral projections let you observe the world from a different point of view. Such experiences are often very vivid, resemble everyday waking experiences more than dreams, and always leave an unforgettable impression on the person who experiences them.

Many different experiences are often lumped together as "out-of-body experiences," including:

•Lucid dreams, where you seem to be conscious while dreaming.
•Clairvoyance, involving a "mental-only" awareness of a distant object or location.
•Sensations of separation from your physical body, floating above it, and looking down upon your physical form or a landscape.
•Near death experiences.
•Projecting and traveling outside of your body to different locations in physical time and space.
•Bilocation, or a sense of your actual physical body being in two places at the same time.

People who have had such experiences say they produce a profound sense of awe and wonder, and changed their life forever. Why? The experience gave them a direct experience of what ancient mystics called the Akashic records, and today's scientists call the one consciousness at the core of all reality

Dr. Roe, a parapsychologist based at the University of Northampton, says it's entirely possible to project your mind to a distant location and observe what's happening there. "Our results are significant," Roe says."Remote viewing is something that should be taken seriously." His early findings suggest that up to 85 per cent of us possess clairvoyance - the ability to "remote view." And he believes that with only a minimum of training, we can each sharpen our psychic skills.

Professor Brian Josephson, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist from Cambridge University, agrees with Roe: "[His] experiments have been designed to rule out luck and chance. I consider the evidence for remote viewing to be pretty clear-cut."

Our human consciousness is awakening to a new level of self-discovery. We are seeing ourselves as more than just our physical bodies, and as connected to the universe through a web of limitless consciousness.

A colleague of Einstein, the late David Bohm, had a sense that the universe and everything in it - including you and me - are part of a grand cosmic interconnected web - the same vision of reality held by the ancient wisdom traditions.

In terms of quantum physics, you are an artist creating your own ever-changing reality from out of the stuff of the conscious universe. So then - why would you NOT want to temporarily put aside the limits of your physical being and travel into this universal web of consciousness and unlimited wisdom?

As a doctor of psychology and pioneer brain/mind researcher, I find the benefits of these experiences are deeper than most people realize. Like any deeply transformational metaphysical or deeply religious experience, you gain a whole new understanding of the nature of life - and a new set of beliefs and goals for your life. You'll probably even find that your everyday worries and concerns are less important.

Whether you're interested in expanded ESP or intuitive capabilities, spiritual or metaphysical insights, enlightenment, healing, contact with a higher reality or level of intelligence, or simply a new experience - both in-body remote viewing and out-of-body experiences are powerful personal development and growth tools that can move you forward.

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How To Unlock Your Spiritual Psychic Abilities

According to observers and analysts of psychic phenomena, each one of us has some form of psychic ability, however only a few people are able to harness, and fully utilise these talents. If the individual has the will and determination to harness it, with the right training and mindset, the person will truly be able to enhance his or her psychic powers. Here are a number of helpful hints on how to unlock your spiritual psychic abilities. Accept Your Abilities, And Direct Your Intuition One of the first steps towards enhancing your spiritual psychic skills is by affirming, and accepting that you have one. The reason why more than 90 percent of us fail to unleash our psychic abilities is because we do not believe we have one, and we do not show any interest as well in enhancing it. However, if you truly accept and affirm that you are psychic, this will be the first step towards fully achieving your objectives. Sharpen Your Meditation Skills The next step in enhancing your psychic abilities, is by learning to meditate. Meditation offers a wide array of physical and psychological benefits. It helps ease stress, improves concentration and focus, and enables the individual to reach deeper into his subconscious, and sharpen his intuition. Meditation also strengthens the bond between mind, body and spirit, enabling the person to achieve awareness of psychic spirituality. To effectively meditate, reserve a room or location at home for daily meditation. Ensure that the room is free from any clutter or noise, and far from outside distractions. Next, sit comfortably on the floor, close your eyes, and allow your thoughts to relax. Next, focus on a person, place or object, and thoroughly observe that thing or place. Remember that there is no right or wrong way to meditate, the important thing is that as long as you're able to relax and focus your mind, then you're doing it the right way. Be More Aware Of Your Surroundings Another way for enhancing your psychic spirituality is being more aware of your surroundings. One nice exercise would be to lie still in bed for a few minutes each time you wake up in the morning. And while you're lying in bed with your eyes closed, try to notice as many sounds, textures and smells. Breathe deeply each time you sense or smell the things around you, and after a few minutes pen your eyes. As you continue meditating and increasing your awareness and perception levels, you will slowly realize a discernible improvement in your spiritual psychic abilities. As you continue with the meditation and awareness exercises, you will also discover that intuitive information will be made available to you, in bit and pieces. Thus, you need to pay constant attention to any random feelings and thoughts that suddenly race across your mind. Soon however, you will notice a pattern will emerge from all those randoms ideas or thoughts, which will begin to form into a recognizable idea.


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Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Create A Vision Board And Attract Your Goals

Visualization is an important success element in your goal achievement efforts. A very powerful way to apply visualization is by creating a so called "Vision Board", also known as a "Dream Board". It is one of the most powerful ways to put the Law of Attraction to work for you. A Vision Board is a collage of pictures of the goals and dreams you want to attract in your life. Important is to really use the exact image of what you want to attract, as whatever you show on your Board will become part of your reality! So if you want a specific kind of car, make sure it is exactly the type, model and color you desire. I recommend to take some time to create clarity on what it is you are wanting in life. Most people spend more time planning their holidays than their life! So write down on a list what truly makes you happy; this could be something tangible, or something like "more spare time, better life balance" etc. Once you are clear on your goals, it's time to assemble your vision board.

A very basic and fun way of creating a Vision Board is by taking a big piece of carton, scissors, glue and tons of magazines. Go through the magazines and search for images of your dreams, or search for the right images on the internet. Cut out the images and glue them on your cardboard. For more power, add affirmations such as "I love driving my new Porsche" or "I spend lots of quality time with my family". This reinforces what you desire. This exercise is a lot of fun if you do it in a group of people, all sharing their goals and visions for their life. You will enjoy the energy in the room!

Hang your piece of cardboard on a spot where you will see it on a very regular basis, such as at your desk or in the kitchen. Look at it daily, and really FEEL as if you have already achieved the things on your Board. It is precisely this FEELING that will help you to attract your vision into your life. Therefore, make sure to look at your Board as often as possible with focused intent and the make sure to take inspired action. Respond to nudges, suggestion you may get that could bring you closer to your vision. Once you do so, you will be happily surprised to see the things on your Vision Board show up in your life - sooner or later - providing you keep putting your intention on them and you stay positive and inspired.

By looking at your Vision Board on a consistent (daily) basis, you will manifest the life you truly desire and absolutely deserve! Enjoy!

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